Sunday 21 July 2013

Warrington Borough Council Peaceful Protest and Smoke Out organised by Merseyside Cannabis Supporters.

Unless you were on Mars this week, as a Cannabis Activist or drug law reform campaigner, you cannot fail to have noticed the furor caused by Warrington Borough Council planned campaign to promote a lie, stating Cannabis is stronger than Heroin. With encouragement from NORML UK and the UK Cannabis Social Club movements, the Warrington Borough Council Facebook page sunk under a barrage of facts from cannabis activists, disparaging the lies and misinformation this council wanted to publish. The page itself was temporarily made unavailable under the weight of comments. What followed can only be considered a victory, for what happens when we all pull together and defend the truth.The council are going to postpone their campaign and get their facts straight. NORML UK have made a formal proposal offering to assist them with this, should they want accurate and factual information to disseminate.

Merseyside Cannabis Supporters have decided that the council workers of Warrington should not be able to forget their major blooper just yet and have swiftly organised a peaceful demonstration and smoke-out. This will take place in Warrington on Friday 26th July at 2pm. The meeting point for activists will be by the Golden Gates in front of Warrington Town Hall.

The organisers request that you bring drums and any other acoustic instruments to make some noise. They also request that you bring as many friends as possible. There is plenty of open space (and a large public park adjacent to the Town Hall), so they suggest that you bring a picnic and make an afternoon of it. Its also an idea to make banners which counter the councils previous claims, just in case the people of Warrington wonder why everyone is there!

I spoke this morning to the administrators from Merseyside Cannabis Supporters and asked them why they were organising a physical protest, and they replied:

“We at MCS were shocked and horrified by the claims and campaign by Warrington borough council – we believe a protest is necessary in order to disrupt their unscrupulous campaign against cannabis consumers. We see this as a perfect opportunity to get the truth about cannabis out there, and break the taboo and negative stereotypes associated with this wonderful plant and its consumers”.

NORML UK is 100% behind this peaceful protest in Warrington and hopes that this last week’s concerted and joint effort between members of NORML UK and UK Cannabis Social Clubs sends a clear message to other councils who may be mindful of trying to pull misinformation stunts like this in the future. If other cannabis clubs are organising a coach or minibuses from their area, please let NORML UK know and we will help promote the service to our members as well.

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